Thursday, January 3, 2008

True SL Dialog Funnies!

Kit Maitland kept me company during a lot of the Japanese mall shopping forays and luckily for me, she is compulsive about grabbing bits of dialog and keeping it for future use. Below are some of the things she kept, paired, when possible, with a picture of the action.

Dot Lane: I like that it says "ride normal"
Dot Lane: as if you're going to try to bugger it

(in response to the panda having the text "ride normal" floating over the pose ball)

Dot Lane: a store selling drinks--you can get a martini, white wine, or a "glasshopper"

Other random chatter:

Kit Maitland: ok I have a 'katusya'....which I have ascertained after repeated attach/detach cycles to be a headband....and a bloody knife...inexplicably called 'xxx'

Dot Lane: why it attaches to the head I do not know
Dot Lane: this is what the manual says: ■ぷるぷるプリン 概要■ 風が吹いたりチャットする度に「ぷるぷる」震えるプリンです。 両手が塞がらないよう敢えてスプーンは1まとめにしたので、 既に装着してるどちらの手の物も取り外される事はありません。 ・x修正 ・x譲渡 ・ コピー ・プリム数 8プリム/一ヶ ・左手用x1(腕) / 頭上用x1(顎)
Dot Lane: lol
Kit Maitland: oh cool...good to know!

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